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what does it mean to be well?
a gathering of conversations between mkutaji & human beings who work & play through the meaning of things.

Chapter 5: Parenting, Learning & The Power In Not Knowing
with Chévanni
Chévanni Part 2well,
00:00 / 40:18
Chapter 4: What is Community? Deschooling & The Wisdom of Children
with Chévanni
Chévanni Part 1well,
00:00 / 25:25
Chapter 3: Self Mastery, Power & Play
with Nosizwe Mji Majija
Nosizwe Part 2well,
00:00 / 29:46
Chapter 2: Changing your Course, Desirability & Yoga
with Nosizwe Mji Majija
Nosizwe Part 1well,
00:00 / 20:53
Chapter 1: Intro
well,intro mkutaji
00:00 / 04:22
| a storytelling experiment |
Reflections on getting lost, finding our way and asking questions that create more questions.
is hope enough?

is hope enough?mkutaji
00:00 / 10:03
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